Album of the Week

Wu-Lu - Loggerhead

July 8, 2022
[experimental hip hop, post-punk]

On his first album for Warp, Wu-lu mixes grunge guitars with drum’n’bass breaks and claustrophobic atmospheres, seeking uneasy catharsis. It’s an apt reflection of our times; an era marred by inequality, division and unrepentant greed that is inspiring art that is equally tumultuous.

EP of the Week


Other Notable Releases

Viagra Boys - Cave World [dance punk, art punk]

Cave World is an absurd, brilliantly fun album and the perfect soundtrack to a world coming out of massive two year hangover. 

Pan Amsterdam - Eat [jazz rap, abstract hip hop]

Pan Amsterdam offer a fresh perspective and display of prowess on the purist jazz-rap sound with expressive delivery and abstract imagery laced with seemingly nonsensical eyebrow-raisers akin to early Ghostface or DOOM.

Beabadoobee - Beatopia [indie pop, alternative rock]

Inspired by a childhood dreamsand the pop radio hits of the 2000s, Beabadoobee’s second album is simultaneously heavy and light, dense and playful, melodic and dissonant.

Black Midi - Hellfire [avant-prog, jazz rock]

Black Midi’s ‘Hellfire’ is at once goofy and high brow. A heavy, avant garde volcanic eruption of serious silliness.

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